Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Purple Cat

LilFoo: I want the purple cat from "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" for Christmas
BigFoo: I don't think there are any purple cats on this planet
LilFoo: I guess I will need a rocket ship
BigFoo: Yep
LilFoo: We don't have the pieces to build a rocket ship
BigFoo: Yes
LilFoo: I guess I will have to ask Santa for the pieces

Mini Foo is talking a little bit

MiniFoo is now saying "Mama Coffee?"

MiniFoo: sniffs Crayon and then holds it up to my nose to sniff, I sniff and she asks "It Good?"

What do you want to eat on Thanksgiving?

LilFoo told me this morning that he wast Tacos and Turkey for Thanksgiving because Tacos are his favorite.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

More comments in the car

So today we were out and about and were down a side street in St. Paul and came across a large tour bus parked next to a small hole-in-the-wall consignment shop. Inside were quite a few older ladies doing some shopping. As we drove past 3 of the ladies were coming out of the store and LilFoo asks "Hey, what are those grandmas doing?"
All BigFoo and I could do was laugh... But then after talking with LBo, we realized that LilFoo probably complimented them more than we did by calling them Old Ladies. So from now on we will let him call them Grandmas because I think they would like that, even if they aren't grandmas.

Comments in the Car

Well, it has happen. LilFoo has learned how adults deal with traffic frustration and is now putting it to use. The other day I had LilFoo and MiniFoo up from daycare and got stuck in some traffic do to a Trader Joe's being built in the neighborhood. While I was patiently waiting in line (in the Durango mind you) a little Cavilier comes up by me and wedges himself in between the traffic lane change barriers and me into a little space too small for any car. I reacted with an "oh come on!" to which LilFoo asked what happend and I told him that an idiot just squeezed in front of us. To which I heard an little mutter from him that sounded like...."dammit car"
"What did you say?!?" I asked. LilFoo was silent, I asked again and he replies with "I said um, barnicles or something" "Thats not what it sounded like" I replied. After a little more coaxing I did get him to tell me what he said and he had said "dammit car" to which I told him that those are not words for little boys to use, only adults can use them. (not sure if that was the best way to go about it but it seems to have worked for now)